Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about health services?We are here to help. If you don't find the answer you're looking for below, please contact us today
How do I book an appointment?
You can now book all of your appointments online. Walk-ins are welcome, but patients are encouraged to book in advance to reduce wait times. A $50 fee will be charged for missed appointments or for cancellations made with less than 24 hours’ notice.
Does it matter if I don’t have a family doctor?
Not at all. The doctors at Care Point Medical & Wellness Clinics can serve all patients, even out-of-province/country visitors.
Can doctors at the Care Point Medical & Wellness Clinics access my medical records so they can understand my medical history?
Yes, our electronic medical records (EMRs), are shared through an integrated computer-based system, at all our clinics. Your personal medical history will be accessible from any Care Point location – regardless of whether you are seeing the same or a different doctor. We often have the same doctor working at multiple Care Point locations.
Can I get a referral to a specialist if that’s what I need?
Yes, we may even have the Specialist you need to see, on staff. If we don’t our doctors will refer you to any specialist that you require.
I need a refill on my medication. Can I do this over the phone or by fax?
We require you to visit with one of our Doctors to renew a prescription but now with our new online platform, you can have the appointment from home. You can arrange that appointment here.
How long will it take to get my referral/specialist appointment?
All specialists are different. Any referrals initiated at Care Point Medical & Wellness Clinics are faxed to the corresponding specialist within two business days of your doctor’s visit.
If I’ve been to one of the Care Point clinics, can I go to another Care Point location to see a doctor?
Yes. Once you’ve been registered as a patient at Care Point Medical & Wellness Clinics, you can go to any of our locations.